Reviewed 4/17/2010

Climate Cover-Up, by James Hoggan

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The Crusade To Deny Global Warming
James Hoggan
Richard Littlemore
Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2009




ISBN-13 978-1-55365-485-8
ISBN-10 1-55365-485-4 250p. SC $15.00


Page 106: "Not quite. Six months later a sputtering Gelbspan was on the phone, reporting the kind of scoop that he had hoped would no longer be relevant."
  It probably would have been better to substitute "irate" for the word "sputtering."
Page 133: "Or perhaps he would choose a more general task of trying to get governments to divert more of their negligible international aid dollars to famine relief in sub-Saharan Africa."
  Another bad choice of word. I would not call foreign aid negligible in amount.
Page 134: "For the record, Lomborg is a close associate to Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. . . . It was Fogh who..."
  Why use the PM's middle name, so similar to the last name of a Lomborg critic?
Page 145: "...the Swindle, composed by a controversial U.K. documentary filmmaker named Sean Durkin..."
  I don't know who Sean Durkin is, but The Great Global Warming Swindle was put together by Martin Durkin.
Page 156: "States that Steven Milloy is a registered lobbyist.
  According to Wikipedia, he was registered as a lobbyist for EOP Group 1998-2000. It's unclear whether he currently is registered.
Page 194: "The theory, as yet mostly untested, is that carbon dioxide pumped and pressurized becomes heavier than air, reducing the likelihood of serious leakage."
  No, that's not the theory; containment of the CO2, like any pressurized gas, depends on an intact container. And CO2 is by nature heavier than air.
Page 209: "Time and again I smiled and said that David Suzuki, son of Kaoru Suzuki, is not the kind of leader who takes speaking points or tolerates muzzling by his public relations director."
  S/B "takes speaking points from".
Page 221: "These campaigns, beginning with Edward Bernays and the smokin' debutants in the Torches of Liberty parade..."
  This was the 1929 Easter Parade in New York City. The group of debutantes wielding cigarettes to show their liberated status was known as the Torches of Liberty Brigade. Also note the proper spelling of "debutante."
Page 223: "...storm surges driven by much more powerful weather systems are already causing crippling inundations in low-lying port cities like New York, Rotterdam, Bombay and Shanghai."
  This is a scenario from Gwynne Dyer's Climate Wars. The thing to note is that the name of that Indian port city is now officially Mumbai.
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